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In early 2016, the Grupo Resenha California was created. It was formed by a small group of Brazilian friends, and a newcomer from Rio de Janeiro. The group met every month for a ‘Roda de Samba’ - a traditional musical gathering in Brazil.

As time passed, an increasing number of people would come, from all over Southern California, to enjoy the music and the festivities that came along with it. Those who came shared, time and time again, how grateful they were for the Samba event. This positive feedback strengthened the band’s commitment to, and gratitude for the Samba, the public, and the desire to perform better every time, in recognition of the great energy cultivated in each performance. It was in this mindset that the band decided to expand, and improve its percussion and sound by inviting new members to join the family.

What began as a casual Samba de Roda with a small group of friends, erupted into a daring project and a need for a new brand.
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